Tigran’s Success Story: Empowering Sustainability in Nurmes, Finland

My adventure in Nurmes, Finland, was nothing short of extraordinary. As a member of the ESC (European Solidarity Corps) team, I set off with a group of passionate volunteers on a mission to celebrate EU Green Week and champion sustainable living in the heart of Eastern Finland.

Each day was filled with excitement and purpose. We began by cutting grass, not just as a chore but as a symbol of our commitment to a greener future. This simple act connected us deeply with the Finnish countryside and its natural beauty.

One of the most memorable experiences was our visit to a local animal farm. The pure joy on the faces of the children as they interacted with the animals and learned about the importance of animal welfare was truly heartwarming.

Our days were also filled with games that not only brought us joy but also taught us valuable lessons about environmental awareness and sustainability. And of course, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the Finnish sauna, a cultural treasure that instilled in us a sense of relaxation, wellness, and environmental mindfulness.

Amidst all the fun and games, we remained focused on our mission to promote a “digital and greener life.” Through workshops, social media campaigns, and engaging sessions, we inspired people of all ages in Nurmes to embrace sustainable living practices.

I took it upon myself to become an ambassador for biodiversity and the environment. I immersed myself in the local culture, learned the Finnish language, and grew to appreciate the traditions and values of the Finnish people. In return, I proudly shared our own traditional foods, fostering a sense of global unity.

One of our proudest achievements was organizing a series of workshops during EU Green Week. These workshops catered to a diverse audience, from kindergarteners to senior citizens. My fellow volunteers and I shared our insights on sustainable practices, leaving a lasting impact on the community. The Hyvärilä youth center, with its Green Key certification, served as a shining example of how tourism could be environmentally responsible.

But our commitment didn’t stop at workshops. We actively participated in the Nurmes town Spring clean event, working alongside the local community to make the town cleaner and more sustainable. It was hard work, but the sense of accomplishment was incredibly rewarding.

Traveling to Nurmes presented its own set of challenges, especially when it came to sustainability. But we were determined to minimize our carbon footprint, so we opted for Green Travel. The long train ride from Helsinki to Nurmes became a bonding experience, where we shared stories and marveled at the beauty of Finland.

As our project came to an end, I left Nurmes with a heart full of memories and a renewed sense of purpose. I had not only empowered the local community with knowledge and awareness but had also undergone a personal transformation. My journey was a testament to the power of collective action in creating a greener, more sustainable world.

Returning home, I carried with me the magic of Finland, the warmth of its people, and a newfound passion for sustainability. My journey was not just a success story; it was a testament to the positive change that can happen when individuals come together with a shared vision of a better, more sustainable world.